Thermal insulation systems
Insufficient thermal insulation can cause increased air conditioning and heating costs, fluctuating room temperatures and condensation or mold. It is therefore important to choose and apply your insulation system carefully.
How does thermal insulation work?
Reduces heat conduction
The coating acts as an insulating envelope, reducing thermal conductivity across surfaces.
The coating blocks penetration
heat in the building.
Seal the
The coating acts as an insulating envelope, reducing thermal conductivity across surfaces.
certified by an accredited laboratory
This Technology is used by NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to protect space shuttles from the external heat generated by re-entry into the atmosphere.
certified by an accredited laboratory
When paint is applied to interior walls, pores trap air inside. This layer of trapped air acts as a thermal insulator, slowing the transmission of heat by conduction. Suitable and effective for outdoor use, the recommended thickness in this case is 1cm.
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